
INA Board

Victoria Lima
Pediatrician-Neonatology Studied San Luis Potosi State and Mexico City
Professor University Autonoma of San Luis Potosi
Molecular Biology Master Degree institute Potosino of Science and Technology (IPICyT)
Hospital Central Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto Pediatrician Division and Neonatology Department (attending)

Mexican Academy of Pediatrics
Mexican Neonatology Council
American Academy of Pediatrics
National Federation of Neonatology of Mexico

Distinguish member of the San Luis Potosi City in Mexico
Every Year the Mexican Neonatology Council give a prize at the best Neonatology Fellow in our country, named Victoria Lima award
Prize Dr. Miguel Otero Arce de Investigación de Salud. Dr. Miguel Otero y Arce by
Prize José Antonio Villaseñor y Sánchez, Council Science and technology by the San Luis Potosi State
Prize Neonatology Society Ibero-American of neonatology SIBEN for the contribution of improvement of neonatal health at the local level and with, for and by SIBEN
For clinical , Teaching and research contribution to the
Health of newborns by the Spain Nene Foundation